Take Your Children on Trips Before They Leave the Nest.

And then take them after they leave the nest, too.

Paris 2006

Paris 2006

From the moment a baby is born, the parents have eighteen winter breaks, eighteen spring breaks, and eighteen summer breaks before their baby leaves the nest.

We all know children grow up too quickly. But somehow it is still shocking to think that when your child is twelve, you only have six spring breaks left before they turn 18. Six years can feel like a long time, but, in reality, you only have six winter breaks, six spring breaks, and six summers left.

So, that begs the question, β€œWhat are you going to do about it?”

The best way to take advantage of those precious moments together is to travel.

Take them, take their friends, take their boyfriends and girlfriends and cousins, and later on take their husbands and wives and babies. Visit them when they are studying abroad. Plan their weddings in different countries. Take a vacation and take them to see their grandparents. Just take them.

Here’s a round up of some of our fun memory-making.

On our way to Italy! 2018

On our way to Italy

On our way to Maui

The Dolomites

The Vatican


Lake Como

The Galapagos

Jackson Hole, WY

Orcas Island





Cape Cod

Take them with you!!! It’s the best way to gather moments and collect memories!

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